Dec 1, 2008


Well, today is the first day of the last calendar month of 2008 and ...... (to use an expression) it is the first day of the rest of your life. How 2008 has flown by. With the end of the year only a few weeks away, many people will be looking at 2008 and asking questions about what the year has yielded for them. It's evaluation and reflection time.

For some of us we will be pleased that the year has yielded a good harvest, for some it may be a moderate harvest and for others it may have been a year of less than optimal harvest. Regardless, though, there is a reality - and that is that there is nothing that we can do to change what has happened. To a large extent 2008 has been confined to history. But hey, there's still a month of 2008 left and there's still time for that final push that will edge us closer to the dreams that we had for 2008. Let's exercise that last spurt of energy that could help us to fulfil one or the other (as yet) unfilled goal. This is not the time of year to adopt a sense of abandonment in regard to our set goals for 2008 and it's not the time to resign ourselves to the thought that all is lost and that the year is gone. We still have time to recover and to FINISH STRONG in 2008.

And of course, a strong finish will set the tone for a good start to 2009. At this time of the year many folk will be "winding down" and easing into a year end vacation. But, to finish the year off strongly we ought to put a little plan together to work a little harder and smarter over the next few weeks. It's a good time to wrap up a few things. Now is a good time to put that last business proposal together, or to tie up an outstanding matter, or to make a few more calls, possibly do a few more presentations or conclude another deal. Success is not something that just happens, it requires some effort, smart work and a plan. What a great time to gather some momentum for 2009. Now is an ideal time to start thinking about what it is that we want for 2009. Pull out your calendar, calculator, personal notes, et al and get cracking. Remember that FINISHING STRONGLY in 2008 is up to each one of us and a STRONG FINISH will pave the way to a strong 2009. It's a case of, "if it's going to be then it's up to me". Oh yes - you can do it!!!!!

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." Goethe

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